Lion Club Focus Group Form

Be the CO—Developer for a Revolutionary 


Join our exclusive testing program for our Patented Game-Changing product. Your team will be recognized as a key contributor to this innovation and featured in our brand’s journey.

📢 Exclusive Perks:
✔️ Team recognition
✔️ Early access and Free products
✔️ Ambassador & sponsorship opportunities

Process for Participating:

  1. Create an Account: 🔗 Register Now
  2. Submit Your Measurements:
    • Watch the Measurement Guide Video.
    • Find the Google Form below the video.
    • Follow the guidance to select the closest size to your measurements and answer the questions.
    • Review and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    • Submit the form.
  3. Receive Your First Testing Pair:
    • You will receive your first testing pair as soon as it is produced.
  4. Provide Honest Feedback:
    • Fill out a second form to provide detailed feedback after wearing the product.
  5. Iteration Process:
    • Based on your feedback, we may iterate and send additional testing pairs until the product reaches its optimal performance.
    • The process continues as needed until completion.
  6. Completion and Rewards:

    • Upon completing the testing program, your team will receive exclusive benefits and be recognized as pioneers in shaping this groundbreaking invention. Your contribution will be featured in our marketing, social media, and website, celebrating you as part of the TRMC Lion Club Heroes.

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    .errors li { color: red; /* or any color you want */ font-weight: bold; /* makes the text bold */ }